Poor Baby

5:18 PM

Poor sweet Miles is sick today. He began the day by throwing up. Luckily, Daddy was able to take a lunch and cuddle break at home so I could go teach my Body Sculpt class.

Unfortunately, this is not the only sickness Miles has had recently. A few weeks ago, he started having terrible diarrhea which had me stressing out. I took him to the doctor, who had me take some samples to the lab (a good reminder of why I am glad that I retired from nursing) and suggested that I take him off wheat and dairy (which I had already been doing). Turned out, when the results came back that he had salmonella. Yikes! The Doc said it was no big deal and since, by then his symptoms were already gone, we could leave it alone. And then a Public Health Inspector phoned a few days later with a different story (Doc warned me that that might happen). Miles is now officially banned from all official child care situations until he is re-tested and is negative for Salmonella. Dang! Looks like I will be subbing out my fitness classes for the next few days.

Fortunately, this guy is still running strong. We ran some errands today and when I said it was time to go, he replied, "Lets rock'n'roll!" He also talks incessantly to anyone who will listen. For example, here was his conversation with the store clerk today, "I got new boots... it's not snowing yet... I will need a snow shovel when it snows... my Daddy has a snow shovel... my Daddy's working right now..." So funny!

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