Best Friends Reunited

12:49 PM

From grade 6 until grade 9 I had the two best friends anyone could ask for, Hailey and Sue. We had so much fun no matter what we were doing and I can recall laughing so hard during class that our classmates and teachers would glare at us like, "Oh, they think they're so funny... Again". I'm pretty sure we didn't care. At all. Luckily, Hailey and I stayed friends through High School and still keep in touch. Sue, on the other hand was torn from me (yes, it was that dramatic... come on, we were in Junior High!) and moved to Paraguay, South America. It was such a heart breaking day for me. To a grade 9er, losing your BFF is devastating. Luckily we kept in touch for years. We even ended up getting married on the same exact day (weird, I know). And guess what? 11 years later she came back to me! Okay, she actually came to visit her brother, but I like to pretend it was just to see her long lost BFF. I loved every second of our time together and was even more excited when Hailey was able to make the trip from Saskatoon so we could all be together again. It was just like Junior High again and I think every woman needs to feel like a teenager again from time to time.

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